Friday, June 18, 2010

Oh dear, what have I done?

When I was in high school some little boys that lived on my street sold me some candies called "Mint Meltaways". I still believe to this day that they were the tastiest candies I've ever eaten. Those candies are what inspired me to make the following cupcakes. I have to warn you, they are going to ruin any diet you may be on and don't bother making them if you are on a bikini-ready body deadline.

The recipe is pretty simple if you don't mind using boxed cake mix. My scratch baking skills haven't really developed as quickly as I'd hoped so we are relying on Betty Crocker just a little while longer.

1 Box Devil's food cake mix (bake as directed)
1/2 teaspoon Mint extract
Large Package of Andes mints

Mix boxed cake as directed then add the mint extract and mix well. Distribute the mix into cupcake cups and then top with Andes mints. BAKE! As the cupcake cooks the mints will melt and end up being a yummy creamy center!
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I was told by my cupcake testers that this recipe was plenty delicious without the frosting but I loooove chocolate so I just used chocolate butter cream frosting. YUM!

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